
Bandwidth Quota now available on the Usage page
The Usage page now shows your Bandwidth Quota for each region where you have servers, as well as the percentage consumed during the current billing cycle.

View Usage by current and previous billing cycle
You can now filter the bandwidth usage of servers and projects by the current and previous billing cycles, giving you the ability to see how your bandwidth consumption changes over time.

IPv6 is now enabled by default
As the internet gradually moves to IPv6, all new deployments and reinstalls now include an IPv6 address.
This means you no longer have to request an IPv6 address, and your servers will now include a /64 address by default.
Also, you will see the IPv6 address showing up on the device page and the API for currently deployed servers. To make the new IP work with your server, you can set it manually on the device or trigger a reinstall.

London is now available for instant deployments
We are incredibly excited to welcome London to's Edge Network. London is our first European region and one of our most anticipated and requested regions.
You can get a server in the region running in under 10 minutes starting today. We are starting with availability for the c2.small.x86 server, but have built enough spare capacity to support custom deployments too.
Interested in deploying custom hardware in London? Lets talk →