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Mexico City now available for Custom Deployments

June 15, 2021
New experience billing page

New experience: Billing page

June 7, 2021

We have started to make improvements to the Billing page of the New Maxihost Experience.

Instead of being directed to the billing portal, when going to Settings & Members -> Billing you are now able to see and update your payment methods and your account invoices.

Tokyo now available for Custom Deployments

June 2, 2021
Deploy config

New experience: Introducing Deploy Configs

April 23, 2021

You can now save the configuration of the server when reinstalling it.

Deploy configs allows you to know exactly how a new reinstall will execute based on pre-selected configurations of a server. This makes sure that even if you have multiple team members, they know how a server should be reinstalled when they have to do it.

This is the initial feature on a series of planned improvements for reinstalls and deployments. In the future, you will be able to track how a server was previously deployed and save a deploy config as a template, so it can be used for new server deployments and reinstalls across your fleet.

Customers on the new Maxihost experience can start using this today.