Announcing the Maxihost API

We’re extremely excited to announce that the API that powers Control, Maxihost’s web interface, is now finally public! Head to for documentation and a guide to getting started.
This has been a huge project that took us 6 months to complete. We wanted to build an easy-to-use and extremely resilient API that responds accordingly when you need it.
A great example of that is a queue system for server provisioning. When requesting deployment of bare metal that’s not in stock, you can set the backorder parameter to true so the request is added to a queue. When a server with the requested specs comes back in stock, we automatically provision it.
Some technical details
Pagination is implemented following RFC5988’s convention of `Link` headers to provide URLs for the `next` page. It also provides links and meta attributes in responses if you rather not use headers.
Traffic is served on a separate domain to help shield from CSRF and session vulnerabilities, and to aid with monitoring, routing, and throttling.
Integration help for partners
For existing and new companies wanting to partner with Maxihost and integrate their software with ours, please reach out to us and we’ll be happy to discuss collaborating on an integration.
Feedback welcome
If you find any issues in the documentation or want a specific example added to it, please ping us on
We’re excited to see what our customers will build and how they’ll use the API to better manage their infrastructure.
Happy APIing!