
Tags supports tagging, allowing you to categorize and manage your resources more effectively. Tags are key-value pairs that you can assign to your resources, making it easier to search, filter, and group them based on your specific needs.

What are Tags?

Tags are metadata labels that you can attach to your resources. Tags help you:

  • Organize resources by purpose, owner, environment, or any other criteria relevant to your workflow
  • Quickly find and filter resources based on your assigned tags
  • Manage access control and permissions for grouped resources

Supported resources

Currently, you can assign tags to the following resources on

  • Servers
  • VLANs

We plan to extend tagging support to more resources in the future.

Creating and managing Tags

You can create, edit, and delete tags through the dashboard or API.

Using the dashboard

  1. Navigate to the resource (server or VLAN) you want to tag.
  2. Open the Tags select.
  3. Start typing your tag to create a new one

You can edit or remove tags by clicking on Manage tags.

Using the API

You can manage tags programmatically using the API.

Refer to the Tags endpoint for detailed instructions on creating, updating, and deleting tags using API calls.

Searching and filtering Resources by Tags

Once you have assigned tags to your resources, you can use them to search and filter resources.

Using the dashboard

  1. Navigate to the resource type (servers or VLANs) you want to search or filter.
  2. Click on the "Filter" and select Tags dropdown.
  3. Select the desired tag to filter the resources.

The list will update to display only the resources with the selected tag.

Using the API

You can search and filter resources by tags using the API. Refer to the specific API documentation for detailed instructions on constructing API calls with tag-based filtering.

Here's an example on how you can retrieve a server with tag k8s

curl '[tags]=k8s'
--header 'Accept: application/json'
--header 'Authorization: Bearer $API_TOKEN'

Best practices

  • Use a consistent naming convention to maintain clarity and avoid confusion. Many companies use tags as key-value pairs to manage growing environments. You can use key-value pairs by splitting the tag with :. Here are a key-value examples:
    • env:production env:development, ...
    • k8s:etcd k8s:worker k8s:control-plane
  • Assign tags that reflect your organization's resource management practices, such as cost allocation, ownership, or environment.
  • Regularly review and clean up unused or obsolete tags to keep your tagging system organized and efficient.

By leveraging tags on, you can streamline your resource management, access control, and reporting processes, making it easier to maintain and scale your infrastructure.