IP addresses

IP addresses has two types of IPs. Management IPs and Additional IPs.

Types of IPs

Management IPs

When deploying a new server, we configure management IP addresses by default. These IPs are used for server administration, for example, via SSH.

Management IPs are permanently attached to the server, so when the instance is deleted, its management IPs go with it.

Additional IPs

We allow you to request additional IP addresses. These can be moved between servers and belong to your account. So even if the attached instance is deleted, the Additional IP is not. When requesting Additional IPs, we require that you provide us with IP Justification.

Requesting IP Addresses

While managing a server, the need for an additional IP address might come up at some point. When that time comes, you can request additional IP addresses from your dashboard.

Select a project and click on IP addresses after logging in to your account.

Click the Request IPs button and complete the form. You will receive an email when we approve your request.

Select the number of IPs you wish to request.

Select the device you wish to assign the new IP addresses to.

Justify the reason for which you need an additional IP address. This helps us process the requests faster. You can find more info on IP Justification below.

When you submit your request, it will be processed by our team. All you have to do now is wait for our reply.

IP Justification

Why we require IP justification

The number of available IPv4 addresses is nearing complete exhaustion. Just like telephone numbers, there is a limited number of possible IPv4 address combinations. Eventually, this number will run out completely.

In order to ensure that available IPv4 address blocks are assigned to only those who actually require them, we ask that all additional IP requests come with justification.

Justification is not just a requirement of—we must also justify requests we make to acquire new IP blocks. IPs are not provided to us without justification, so we must also require this of our customers.

How do I justify my IP address request?

Customers requiring additional IP addresses should send a request through the dashboard by going to, selecting the project, clicking on the Network menu, and finally on Request IP.

This is what we consider sufficient justification:

  • You must have an immediate use for at least 80% of the IP addresses that you are requesting. If you request 10 IP addresses, you should have an immediate use for at least 8 of them. The remaining 2 IPs in the request can be specified for "future use."
  • You should only request additional IPs for a purpose that cannot be fulfilled using IPs you already have or the server's IP address. Examples of this can include nameservers and SSL certificates. Additional IPs should not be requested for email purposes.
  • When justifying, you should be able to either list a valid domain name that will be assigned to each requested IP (or at least 80% of them) or, in cases where you don't immediately have a valid domain name, provide details on the specific use of each IP address. We will evaluate your IP justification request and inform you if more details are required.

If you have questions or concerns with our IP justification process, please contact us by opening a ticket.