

Create a server

lsh servers create --operating_system ubuntu_22_04_x64_lts --project <PROJECT_ID_OR_SLUG> --site <LOCATION> --hostname <HOSTNAME> --plan <PLAN>

Assign the created server to a virtual network

# Create a virtual network in the same location
lsh virtual_networks create --description <DESCRIPTION> --project <PROJECT> --site <LOCATION>
# Find the virtual network if you don't have the id
lsh virtual_networks list --location <LOCATION>
# Find the server if you don't have the id
lsh servers list --hostname <HOSTNAME>
# Assign the server with the server_id and virtual_network_id created
lsh virtual_networks assignments create --virtual_network_id <VIRTUAL_NETWORK_ID> --server_id <SERVER_ID>

List all GPU plans

lsh plans list --gpu true

Create an on-demand project

lsh projects create --description <DESCRIPTION> --name <NAME> --provisioning_type on_demand

Setting the output as a JSON

It is possible to render JSON if you want to see different fields or even parse the data using a JSON processor like jq. To format the output to JSON, you must pass -o json or —-json.


lsh servers list -o json
# or
lsh servers list --json