How and when we charge you

How and when we charge you

Hourly billing is only available for servers. All other services are billed monthly and charges are pro-rated to the second so you can add and remove services as you wish while only being charged for your actual consumption.

Hourly billing

When you deploy a server we initiate billing for it. The charges are based on the server's consumption and applied at the end of the billing cycle. When you add more servers, we begin tracking their consumption from the moment they are added to a project.


👍 Suppose you sign up on January 1st and create Server One on January 3rd and Server Two on January 4th. Here's how the billing process works:

  • Your billing cycle renews every 3rd of the month. In this example, your first renewal date is February 3rd.
  • On February 3rd, you receive an invoice for the usage of Server One and Server Two during the period from January 3rd to February 3rd, calculated based on their respective hourly rates.

Monthly billing

When you deploy an On demand monthly server or add another service to a Project for the first time, we create a monthly charge for the full service period. If you add more services to the same project, such as deploying an additional server or requesting a new IP address, the charges for these services are pro-rated and included in the next month's invoice.


👍 You sign up on January 1st and create Server One on January 3rd and Server Two on January 4th. What happens is:

  • Your billing cycle will renew every 3rd of the month.
  • On January 3rd you are invoiced for the full amount for Server One for the period of January 3rd to February 3rd.
  • On February 3rd you will receive an invoice with the pro-rated amount for Server Two from January 4th to February 3rd and the full amount for Server One and Server Two for the periods of February 3rd to March 3rd.

Yearly billing

Yearly billing is available for Reserved projects. It works similar to Monthly billing, with the exception that you are charged once a year and provisioned resources are reserved to you for that period.

Adding new services to your Reserved projects pro-rate them to the second. You are free to delete your resources, but this will not create credits or refunds.